Obligation Created

Notification that a marketplace obligation has been created.



This webhook (Obligation Created) will be sent when a marketplace obligation request has been successfully sent to a marketplace seller.

When this obligation is eventually captured, the Obligation Captured webhook will be sent

Webhook configuration

To enable within the Viva banking app:

  1. Log in to Viva, demo or live , and select the required account.

  2. Visit Settings > API Access > Webhooks.

  3. Click on the Create Webhook link.
    The New Webhook dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter your webhook URL in the URL field.

  5. Click on the Verify link.
    If verified successfully, a confirmation message is displayed.

  6. Choose Obligation Created from the Event Type dropdown:

    Obligation Created webhook

  7. Select the Active checkbox to activate notifications.

  8. Click on the Save button.

Response example

You may find below the sample response with EventTypeId 5632.

"PersonId": "51638f3b-4d32-4837-a47d-b6917953a183",
"WalletId": 952270799561,
"Amount": 110.0,
"CaptureId": null,
"ObligationId": "0beacb95-7851-4505-b1d4-eb8f93cf8948",
"CurrencyCode": "978",
"TargetPersonId": "c942b8ce-6da4-4c37-9e72-052d325bc25b",
"TargetWalletId": 596786726505,
"CancellationId": null,
"Created": "2021-10-25T15:39:08.9297+03:00",
"Completed": null,
"WalletTransactionSubTypeId": 159

Webhook body

You can find below the body parameters of this webhook

Parameter Description Example
PersonId (uuid) The Id of the person/merchant that initiated the action, or who billing created an obligation for "51638f3b-4d32-4837-a47d-b6917953a183"
WalletId (int64) The wallet from which the transaction was initiated 952270799561
Amount (decimal) The signed amount of the transaction. Represents the total funds paid by the customer and includes TotalFee (when applicable) 110.0
CaptureId (uuid) Null in created, the Id of the capture for obligation captured event null
ObligationId (uuid) The internal id of the obligation – populated in both cases "0beacb95-7851-4505-b1d4-eb8f93cf8948"
CurrencyCode (string) The currency of the transaction in ISO 4217 numeric format (e.g. “978” for Euro) "978"
TargetPersonId (uuid) The target logged-in user of the transaction (e.g. for wallet payments, this is the wallet owner id) "c942b8ce-6da4-4c37-9e72-052d325bc25b"
TargetWalletId (int64) The target wallet of the transaction 596786726505
CancellationId (uuid) This only has a value in obligation canceled event (corresponds to the unique Id of the cancelation), null otherwise null
Created (datetime) Transaction's creation timestamp "2021-10-25T15:39:08.9297+03:00"
Completed (datetime) Date time of the obligation completion null
WalletTransactionSubTypeId (uuid) Subtype Ids WalletObligationReserve = 157
WalletObligationUnreserve = 158
WalletObligation = 159

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