Contact & Support

For any queries or issues, please first search our developer portal by navigating the menu on the left-hand side or by using the search box above. If you need further help, please refer to the options below.

Viva Support / FAQs
For general queries about our products and services, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (note: UK-registered merchants should visit this page). Browse through our FAQs listed by category to get answers and guidance on most common questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please refer to the options below.

GitHub Issues
For technical queries, please see our GitHub Issues. You can search a wide range of previously-posted questions and answers. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, post a new issue for our development team to look at, describing the problem as clearly as possible, providing relevant request/response logs and screenshots and remembering to blur out confidential information.

Contact our Sales Team
Contact Sales
To reach out to our Sales Team via online form, to find our Sales email addresses or to find contact information for each of our regional offices around Europe, please visit our Contact our Sales Team page.

Contact our Support Team
Contact Support
To reach out to our Support Team via online chat (requires login), to find our Support email addresses or to find contact information for each of our regional offices around Europe, please visit our Contact our Support Team page.