Sales transactions

How to view sales transactions in the Viva banking app.

Searching transactions

To see sales transactions in the Viva banking app:

1. Log in to Viva, demo or live , and select the required account

2. Go to Sales > Sales Transactions:

Sales Transactions

3. Use the basic filters to search based on date or click Advanced search to access additional parameters to include in your search criteria:

Sales Transactions

To search for failed transactions, be sure to add ‘Failed’ to the ‘Remarks’ filter:

Sales Transactions

4. Click Search to run your search with the chosen criteria - relevant transactions will be shown in a list below the search panel

Exporting a report

1. After searching transactions, you can export a report (in Excel format) using the button at the top-right of the results:

Sales Transactions Expor>t

2. A sample Excel report is attached below. This has been modified to provide additional descriptions of the fields/columns displayed:

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