Configure Payout Settings

How to configure payout settings in the dashboard.


  1. Log in to Viva, demo or live , and select the required account.

  2. Navigate to Accounts > Account details. Accounts>Account details

  3. Click on Payout Settings. Payout Settings

  4. In the pop-up window, toggle the switch to Enable payouts. Enable Payouts

  5. Select the Target IBAN for the account where you want the payouts to be transferred, or click on Add Beneficiary to create a new beneficiary. Target IBAN

  6. Specify the minimum payout amount to be transferred. Any amount above this minimum will be transferred, while the specified minimum will remain in the account. Minimum Payout Amount

  7. Select the Payout Interval from the dropdown (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly). Payout Interval

  8. Click Apply to save your settings.

  9. Next payout date will show the scheduled date after saving the settings.

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