Configure Account Debit Cards

How to configure account debit cards in the viva banking app.


Viva offers three types of merchant debit cards:

Creating & ordering cards

Company debit cards

These cards are tied to the ‘blue’ Viva merchant account and use funds from your Primary wallet. They can be either physical or digital.

  1. You can order (for physical) or create (for digital) company debit cards from the right-hand side of the main Dashboard:

    Order Cards

  2. After clicking on the ‘Create Card’ button, you will see two options – Digital and Physical:

    Create Cards

  3. Clicking on Digital takes you to the creation screen. Here, you can create your new card instantly:

    Create Digital Cards

  4. Alternatively, clicking on Physical takes you to the order screen. Here, you can select the name to apply to the card, as well as the delivery address:

    Order Physical Cards

Employee debit cards

These cards are tied to the employee, rather than the account itself. They can be either physical or digital.

  1. You can order (for physical) or create (for digital) employee debit cards from the right-hand side of the main Dashboard, under the ‘Viva Employee Debit’ heading:

    Order Employee Cards - 1

  2. Clicking on the ‘Order’ button takes you to the order screen, in which you choose which employee(s) you wish to order cards for:

    Order Employee Cards - 2

  3. Scrolling down, you then need to select which address(es) to send the cards to, before completing your order:

    Order Employee Cards - 3

Personal debit cards

These cards are available for ‘orange’ Personal accounts (in Greece only). They can be either physical or digital.

You can order (for physical) or create (for digital) personal debit cards from the right-hand side of the main Dashboard, in the same way as for company debit cards.

Managing Cards

Activating cards (physical only)

  1. Physical cards need to be activated before they can be used. To do this, first click on the ‘Activate Card’ button on the dashboard:

    Activate Cards - 1

  2. You will then see a pop-up. Here, fill in the last 4 digits of the card number, as well as the Activation Code, which you will have received with the card:

    Activate Cards - 2

Locking & unlocking cards

  1. Cards can be lock (or unlocked) from the main Dashboard. Simply click on the ‘Lock Card’ button:

    Lock Cards - 1

  2. The card will then display a lock symbol and cannot be used until you re-click the ‘Lock Card’ button (now the ‘Unlock Card’ button):

    Lock Cards - 2

Viewing card details

  1. On the main dashboard, the ‘Details’ button allows you to:

    • Display the card’s PIN
    • Display the card’s details (the full card number and the CVV) View Card Details

Viewing card settings

  1. On the main dashboard, the ‘Settings’ button allows you to:

    • Delete the card from your account
    • Show transactions for this card View Card Settings
  2. Clicking on the ‘Show Transactions’ option takes you to the card management screen, in which – in addition to being able to view transactions for this card - you can add funds, transfer funds, lock the card and delete the card, as shown below:

    Manage Cards

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