Kiosk Mode

How to use Kiosk Mode functionality.


Kiosk Mode allows the ‘ | Terminal’ application to be ‘pinned’, filling the device’s screen and locking the ‘More’ (settings) section.

This functionality is especially useful for kiosks and similar customer-facing situations in which only the ‘ | Terminal’ application itself should be available.

Terminal availability

Available for Android card terminals, including Tap-on-Phone (v4.19.0 and above)
Not yet available on iOS (will be supported soon)

Supported integrations

Available for standalone card terminals (with no integration)
Available for Cloud Terminal API integrations
Not available for inter-app integrations

Using Kiosk Mode

Kiosk Mode can be activated and deactivated easily from within the ‘ | Terminal’ application.


To activate Kiosk Mode, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the main screen, click on the ‘More’ button at the bottom-right:

    Kiosk Mode - 1

  2. From here, open the ‘PIN protected settings’ menu:

    Kiosk Mode - 2

  3. On the next page, at the top of the screen, click the toggle to ‘Enable PIN Protection’, if it is not already enabled. Towards the bottom of the screen, you can then activate the ‘Kiosk mode’ toggle

  4. When activated, you will receive a pop-up message to confirm this mode is enabled:

    Kiosk Mode - 5


To deactivate Kiosk Mode, you will need to follow similar steps:

  1. Press the ‘More’ button 10 or more times in quick succession:

    Kiosk Mode - 6

  2. You will then be prompted to enter your PIN to unlock the application. After unlocking, you can navigate back through ‘Pin protection settings’ > ‘Kiosk mode’ to disable

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