Cancel/Refund a Transaction

How to cancel or refund a transaction within Tap on Phone.


This tutorial outlines how to cancel or refund a transaction within the ‘ | Terminal’ application (Tap on Phone).

Both full and partial refunds are now supported for same-day transactions


To cancel or refund a transaction, you need to:

  1. Locate the transaction
  2. Complete the cancellation or refund

Locate the transaction

Before cancelling or refunding, the relevant transaction must first be located. There are two ways to do this:

Via the Transactions Menu

At the bottom of the main screen, select the ‘Transactions’ option: Transactions Menu - 1

From here, you can find and select the relevant transaction. Using the ‘filters’ button at the top-right of the screen allows you to use a number of filters to help find the transaction. Available filters include card number, order code, type of transaction and the time period to search from: Transactions Menu - 2

Via the Refund Menu

At the bottom of the main screen, select the ‘Refund’ option: Refund Menu - 1

From here, you can use the available filters to find the correct transaction. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Read customer card’ option to read a card via NFC and display all transactions for that particular card: Refund Menu - 2

Complete the cancellation or refund

After locating the relevant transaction, you can complete the cancellation or refund by following the steps below.

  1. First, confirm the selected transaction is correct and then click on the ‘Start refund’ button:

    Refund Process - 1

  2. Select the amount to refund, up to the amount of the original transaction:

    Refund Process - 2

  3. On the next screen, you can review the details of the refund before clicking the ‘Refund’ button to confirm:

    Refund Process - 3

  4. You may see a short ‘Processing’ screen while the refund is processed:

    Refund Process - 4

  5. Once the refund is complete, you will see a confirmation screen, such as the below:

    Refund Process - 5

  6. Finally, you will be able to find the refund within the transactions list, as with any other transaction

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