Decimal Amount Support

How to toggle Decimal Amount Support on POS terminals.


Decimal Amount Support is a setting which - when enabled - allows payment amounts to be provided in decimal format. This setting is enabled by default, but merchants in some regions (commonly such as Hungary and Denmark) may wish to disable this, so that all amounts are specified in non-decimal (whole number) format.

This functionality is currently only available for PAX (Paydroid) terminals


To enable or disable Decimal Amount Support, please follow the steps below.

  1. From the main screen, open the menu from the top-left:

    Decimal Amount Support - 1

  2. Click on System:

    Decimal Amount Support - 2

  3. Then, choose Settings:

    Decimal Amount Support - 3

  4. You should then navigate to the Decimal Amount Support option:

    Decimal Amount Support - 4

  5. On this page, you can toggle Decimal Amount Support on or off:

    Decimal Amount Support - 5

Please see below for examples of how enabling or disabling Decimal Amount Support affects payment entry.

Decimal Support Mode: ✔ On
Amount entered: '1000'
Decimal Support Mode: ✘ Off
Amount entered: '10'

Inter-app request

Decimal Amount Mode can also be enabled via inter-app request. Please see the below link for further information.

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