Batch Management

How to start and end batches, as well as view batch info and transactions on our POS terminals and apps.


Batches can be used to group transactions on a POS terminal or ‘ | Terminal’ application. This can be useful for reporting and analytical purposes, as well as to segment sales for different users.


The process to manage batches differs depending on the device or process being used. Please see the options below:

If using the Q30 terminal as a PINpad, batches should be managed from the Paydroid device to which it is connected, so you can start and end batches, as well as viewing batch transactions and reports

On Android & iOS devices

Start a new batch

On Android & iOS devices (Tap-on-Phone), a batch remains open for 48 hours before automatically being closed and a new one being started (unless the user ends it manually before this time)

Stop a batch
View batch transactions
  1. For on-going batches, click on ‘Transactions’ at the bottom of the screen > Click ‘By batch’ > Click ‘View transactions’. For previous batches, click on any batch under the ‘Previous batches’ heading:

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  2. From here, you can see details and transactions for the batch:

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On PAX/Paydroid devices

Start a new batch

On PAX (Paydroid) devices, a batch remains open for 72 hours before automatically being closed and a new one being started (unless the user ends it manually before this time)

View batch transactions

Via app-to-app integration

When integrating the ‘ | Terminal’ application with a third-party app on the same device, the ‘Batch request’ message can be used to open and close batches.

This is available for both Android and iOS - please find links to our documentation on this message, below:

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!