tbi bank

Information on the tbi bank payment method.


The tbi bank payment method is available in Greece and allows customers to make purchases using the tbi bank portal. tbi bank offers two products to customers: (1) Buy Now Pay Later (Buy Now Pay Later (split in 4)) and (2) Financing:

  1. The Buy Now Pay Later (split in 4) option is offered to purchases of up to and including 200 euros: the customer can pay in 4 interest-free installments with no additional fees
  2. The Financing option is offered to purchases over 200 euros: the customer can pay in 3-60 installments

Some of the main benefits of offering tbi bank as a payment method are:

User Experience


At the checkout, the customer chooses tbi bank as their preferred payment method:

tbi bank - User Journey - 1

The customer is then redirected to a tbi bank page where they can provide their details and review the payment information:

tbi bank - User Journey - 2

From here, the customer can complete their payment securely.


Please also see our videos below, outlining the desktop and mobile use of tbi bank:




Merchants do not need to have an account with tbi bank

How to activate tbi bank

Merchants do not need to have an account with tbi bank

Environment Activation details
Production Activation of this payment method is instant. Once activated, merchants will immediately be able to accept payments via tbi bank.
Demo This payment method is unavailable on demo environment.

Merchants can only activate tbi bank on their own from their Viva account interface. To activate tbi bank in production, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Sign in to your production Viva account .

  2. Click on Settings > API Access and scroll down to the tbi bank (Payment Method) section.

  3. Click on the Enable tbi bank as a payment method button:

    Enable tbi bank as a payment method

  4. tbi bank will be activated

  5. If you would like to deactivate tbi bank, click on the Disable tbi bank as a payment method button:

    tbi bank enabled as a payment method

Merchant Categories

There are some merchant categories that are not eligible to have tbi bank activated. If your business is in one of these categories, you will not be able to accept payments through tbi bank:

Merchant Category (MCC) Description
2741Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing
2842Sanitation, Polishing, and Specialty Cleaning Preparations
4112Passenger railways
4121Taxis and limousines
4131Bus lines
4411Cruise lines
4812Telecom equipment & sales, telephone & cable services
4814Telecom services
4816Computer network services, internet access, cyberlocker, file sharing and cloud storage
4829Money transfer, wire transfers
5085Industrial Supplies—not elsewhere classified
5122Drugs, proprietaries & sundries
5169Chemicals and allied products
5172Petroleum and Petroleum Products
5499Convenience Stores
5813Taverns & Drinking places, night clubs
5814Fast Food
5921Wineries, Liquor, Beers
5931Second Hand Stores, Used Merchandise Stores
5933Pawn shops
5960Direct marketing, insurance
5962Direct marketing, travel, including discount travel clubs
5971Art Dealers and Galleries
5972Stamp & coin stores
5983Fuel dealers
6010Manual Cash Disbursements—Customer Financial Institution
6011Automated Cash Disbursements—Customer Financial Institution
6012Businesses who are classified as financial institutions
6050Quasi Cash—Customer Financial Institution
6051Quasi-cash, currency, money orders, travelers cheques, debt repayment, loan payment, lease payment, mortgage companies
6211Securities dealers
6513Real estate & rentals
6532Payment Transaction—Customer Financial Institution
6533Payment Transaction—Merchant
6540Account funding, stored value card purchase, prepaid load (non-financial institution)
7011Motels, resorts
7012Timeshares, timeshare rentals, leases and sales
7273Dating services, misc. personal services
7276Tax Preparation
7277Debt, marriage, personal counseling services
7297Massage Parlors
7299Other services not classified
7311Advertising Services
7361Employment agencies
7375Information Retrieval Services
7379Computer Maintenance, Repair, and Services—not elsewhere classified
7392Consulting, Management, and Public Relations Services
7393Detective Agencies, Protective Agencies, Security Services including Armored Cars, Guard Dogs
7399Business Services not classified
7829Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution
7841Video tape rental stores
7911Dance Halls, Schools, and Studios
7932Pool and Billiard Establishments
7993Video amusement game supplies
7994Video games and arcades
7995(Betting, including Lottery Tickets, Casino Gaming Chips, Off-Track Betting, and Wagers at Race Tracks)
8011Doctors not classified
8111Attorneys legal services
8398Charities etc.
8641Associations—Civic, Social, and Fraternal
8651Political Organizations
8661Religious Organizations
8931Auditing, Accounting
8999Professional services not classified
9211Court costs, alimony, child support
9223Bail and bond payments
9399Government services

Payment method messaging

It is important that the customer is aware of the payment methods you offer via Smart Checkout, as this will increase conversion and average order values. Please see our payment method messaging guide for more details on why and where we would recommend adding this information to your site.

If desired, you can download and use this icon on your site or online store, in order to show customers you offer tbi bank as a payment method:

Payment Method Icon - tbi bank

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!