
Information on the Payconiq payment method for online payments.

We also offer Payconiq for in-store payments (via QR code)


The Payconiq platform connects banks, merchants, payment service providers and consumers, to allow omni-channel payments online, in store, by invoice or peer-to-peer. It is an API-based platform, allowing for a fast connection and value-added services.

Consumers can download one of the stand-alone apps or use the Payconiq integration in their mobile banking apps (where available), according to their country of residence. They connect their bank account to the app and then are able to make payments to affiliated merchants by scanning a QR-code, or to friends (by e-mail address or cellphone number).

Some of the main benefits of offering Payconiq as a payment method are:

User Experience


At the checkout, the customer chooses Payconiq as their preferred payment method, optionally filling in the Email address and Customer Name. The customer can see the supported apps and then proceed to Payconiq:

Payconiq - User Journey - 1

A Payconiq QR code is generated, and the consumer is presented with instructions for how to complete the payment:

Payconiq - User Journey - 2

Once the QR code has been scanned, the Payconiq mobile app will continue with the payment in the app:

Payconiq - User Journey - 3

The consumer reviews the merchant details, order reference and payment amount before continuing:

Payconiq - User Journey - 4

The consumer verifies their identity to confirm the transaction:

Payconiq - User Journey - 5

The merchant will be notified of the successful transaction immediately afterwards:

Payconiq - User Journey - 6


Please also see our videos below, outlining the desktop and mobile use of Payconiq:




Merchants do not need to have an account with Payconiq

How to activate Payconiq

Merchants do not need to have an account with Payconiq

Environment Activation details
Production All merchants are activated by default to accept payments for Payconiq, with the exception of certain Merchant Categories.

*You may visit our Test Cards and Environments page for further information on how to make test payments with Payconiq.

Merchant Categories

There are some merchant categories that are not eligible to have Payconiq activated. If your business is in one of these categories, you will not be able to accept payments through Payconiq:

Merchant Category (MCC) Description
6010 Member Financial Institution–Manual Cash Disbursements
6011 Member Financial Institution–Automated Cash Disbursements
6051 Quasi Cash–Merchant
7273 Dating Services
7297 Massage Parlors
7393 Detective Agencies, Protective Agencies, Security Services including Armored Cars, Guard Dogs
9223 Bail and Bond Payments

Supported Apps

A customer from Belgium may scan the Payconiq QR code and pay with these apps:

Payconiq - Supported Apps Belgium

A customer from Luxembourg may scan the Payconiq QR code and pay with these apps:

Payconiq - Supported Apps Luxembourg

Testing Payconiq

In order to test Payconiq functionality in the demo environment, please see our Payconiq testing information.

Payment method messaging

It is important that the customer is aware of the payment methods you offer via Smart Checkout, as this will increase conversion and average order values. Please see our payment method messaging guide for more details on why and where we would recommend adding this information to your site.

If desired, you can download and use this icon on your site or online store, in order to show customers you offer Payconiq as a payment method:

Payment Method Icon - Payconiq

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!