Information on the EPS payment method.


Electronic Payment Standard (EPS) is a payment method allowing Austrian customers to pay via fast and easy direct bank transfers.

Some of the main benefits of offering EPS as a payment method are:

User Experience


At the checkout page, the customer chooses EPS as their preferred payment method:

EPS - User Journey - 1

The customer is directed to an EPS page which displays a summary of the transaction. They select their preferred bank and click ‘Continue’:

EPS - User Journey - 2

They are then redirected to their bank’s online environment to log in with their account credentials:

EPS - User Journey - 3

After logging in, the customer can review the transaction before clicking ‘Continue’:

EPS - User Journey - 4

The customer then authorises the transaction via Secure Customer Authentication, such as an SMS code:

EPS - User Journey - 5

The transaction success is confirmed on the bank’s page and the merchant is notified:

EPS - User Journey - 6


Please also see our videos below, outlining the desktop and mobile use of EPS:




Merchants do not need to have an account with EPS

How to activate EPS

Merchants do not need to have an account with EPS

Environment Activation details
Production This payment method is available upon positive review of your request. For more information, please contact your Viva sales representative. Alternatively, you can contact us directly via our live chat facility which can be found in your *Production* Viva self-care account.

*You may visit our Test Cards and Environments page for further information on how to make test payments with EPS.

Merchant Categories

There are some merchant categories that are not eligible to have EPS activated. If your business is in one of these categories, you will not be able to accept payments through EPS:

Merchant Category (MCC) Description
5094 Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry
5122 Drugs, Drug Proprietors, and Druggist’s Sundries
5499 Misc. Food Stores – Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets
5912 Drug Stores and Pharmacies
5962 Direct Marketing – Travel Related Arrangements Services
5966 Direct Marketing- Outbound Telemarketing Merchant
5967 Direct Marketing – Inbound Teleservices Merchant
5999 Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
7322 Debt collection
7996 Amusement Parks, Carnivals, Circuses, Fortune Tellers
9223 Bail and Bond Payments

Payment method messaging

It is important that the customer is aware of the payment methods you offer via Smart Checkout, as this will increase conversion and average order values. Please see our payment method messaging guide for more details on why and where we would recommend adding this information to your site.

If desired, you can download and use this icon on your site or online store, in order to show customers you offer EPS as a payment method:

Payment Method Icon - EPS

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!