Pay on Delivery

Information on the Pay on Delivery payment method.


Pay on Delivery allows your customers to pay upon the delivery of the goods and/or services they have ordered. When you deliver the goods and/or services, you need to collect the payment from the customer (Viva will not collect the customer payment). The merchant has the option to apply an additional ‘Pay on Delivery fee’ - if so desired - to be added on top of the order amount if the customer chooses Pay on Delivery.

Keep in mind this is not an actual payment, you can consider it as an ‘order’, as the customer will make the payment upon delivery of the goods, and you need to collect the payment from the customer.

Some of the main benefits of offering Pay on Delivery as a payment method are:

User Experience


At the checkout, the customer selects Pay on Delivery as their preferred payment method:

Pay on Delivery - User Journey - 1

To complete the payment process:


Please also see our videos below, outlining the desktop and mobile use of Pay On Delivery.




How to activate Pay on Delivery

Environment Activation details
Production Activation of this payment method is instant. Once activated, merchants will immediately be able to accept payments via Pay on Delivery.

*You may visit our Test Cards and Environments page for further information on how to make test payments with Pay on Delivery.

Merchants can only activate Pay on Delivery on their own from their Viva account interface. To activate Pay on Delivery, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Sign in to your production Viva account .

  2. Click on Settings > API Access and scroll down to the Pay on Delivery (Payment Method) section.

  3. Click on the Enable Pay on Delivery as a payment method button:

    Enable Pay on Delivery as a payment method

  4. Pay on Delivery will be activated

  5. If you would like to deactivate Pay on Delivery, click on the Disable Pay on Delivery as a payment method button:

    Pay on Delivery enabled as a payment method

Payment method messaging

It is important that the customer is aware of the payment methods you offer via Smart Checkout, as this will increase conversion and average order values. Please see our payment method messaging guide for more details on why and where we would recommend adding this information to your site.

If desired, you can download and use this icon on your site or online store, in order to show customers you offer Pay on Delivery as a payment method:

Payment Method Icon - Pay on Delivery

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!