e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS)

Information on the e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) payment method.


e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) is a payment method offered by Viva, which allows your customers to pay via ΔΙΑΣ (DIAS) bank transfer.

Some of the main benefits of offering e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) as a payment method are:

User Experience

At the checkout, the customer selects e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) as their preferred payment method:

e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) - User Journey - 1

After logging into their bank’s site, the customer selects Viva as the payment option:

e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) - User Journey - 2

The customer then provides the unique payment code and the amount of the transaction before proceeding to pay:

e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) - User Journey - 3


How to activate e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS)

Environment Activation details
Production e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) is activated by default, meaning no extra setup is required from the merchant.
Demo This payment method is unavailable on demo environment.

If desired, this payment method can be disabled for a given payment by setting the disableCash parameter to true when creating a payment order

Payment method messaging

It is important that the customer is aware of the payment methods you offer via Smart Checkout, as this will increase conversion and average order values. Please see our payment method messaging guide for more details on why and where we would recommend adding this information to your site.

If desired, you can download and use this icon on your site or online store, in order to show customers you offer e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS) as a payment method:

Payment Method Icon - e-banking (ΔΙΑΣ/DIAS)

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!