
Further information about our Issuing API.

Authorization transaction types

Note: Refers to Mastercard-defined Cardholder Transaction Type Code:

Id Transaction Type Account Action Authorization / Clearing Presentment Clearing Transaction Type ID
00 Purchase Debit Both 00 or 18 ; for details see Clearing Transaction Type Id
01 Withdrawal Debit Both 01
09 Purchase with Cashback Debit Both 09
17 Cash Disbursment Debit Both 12
20 Purchase Return/Refund Credit Clearing only 20
28 Payment Transaction Credit Both 28
30 Balance Inquiry Inquiry Authorization Only -
91 PIN Unblock PIN Management Authorization Only -
92 PIN Change PIN Management Authorization Only -

Account types

Details on account types:

Id Account From/To
00 Default From/To
10 Savings Account From
20 Checking Account From
30 Credit Card Account From/To

Card statuses

Please see our card statuses page for details.

Response codes

Describes the applicable (ISO) response codes returned by the partner on an authorization request:

Code Response Description Action
Approve 00 Approved or completed successfully Approve
Insufficient Funds 51 Balance does not suffice for the requested amount Decline
Transaction not permitted to cardholder 57 Decline due to partner’s fraud rules, compliance requirements etc. Decline
Restricted card 62* Decline due to partner’s fraud rules etc. Decline
Do not honor 05 Generic Decline Decline

* For use when the card has been temporarily suspended on the partner side, while it appears active at the issuer end. As a result, authorization requests are forwarded to the partner.

In this case, the appropriate API calls (Retrieve card information and Set card status) should be used to update card status information.

Date range types

Details on date range types:

Id Range
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month

Viva Payments Event Identifier

An Event Identifier represents a systemic code, indicating the specific reason for which a request failed.

Even though the API error code (HTTP Status code) should, in most cases, be adequate to indicate the reason of the failure, the EventId goes a step further to pinpoint the concrete reason.

EventIds related to the Issuing API:

EventId Name Description
11000 CardManagementValidationFailed Indicates that a Card Product was not found
4700 - 4710 CardGenerationFailed Indicates that a procedure related to card number or PIN generation failed
12000 EmbossingRequestValidationFailed Indicates that an embossing requests does not contain the required data to complete (e.g. productId is missing)
12002 CardActivationValidationFailed Returned when a card activation request does not contain the required data (e.g. cardholder’s mobile is missing) or the card’s status is not Inactive

Clearing Transaction Type Id

Details on clearing transaction types:

Clearing Transaction Type Id Corresponding Authorization Transaction Type Id Description
Debit ——– ——–
00 00 Purchase (Goods and Services)
01 01 ATM Cash Withdrawal
09 09 Purchase (Goods and Services) with Cash Back
12 17 Cash Disbursement
18 00 Unique Transaction (requires unique MCC)*
Credit ——– ——–
20 20 Credit (Purchase Return) Note: only present in clearing files
28 28 Payment Transaction

* List of unique Merchant Category Codes:

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