Create a payment source

Payment sources define the details of your payments, such as the brand logo shown to customers, the redirect URLs used after a successful or failed payment and the wallet funds are transferred into.

What is a payment source?

A payment source is used to provide details such as the domain name for your online store, the Viva account the payments will be deposited into (in case you have many), your company logo to show to the customer on the payment form, and so on. When creating a payment order, for example, you define which payment source you would like to use for that particular payment.

Multiple sources must be created when managing multiple online stores; each online store then has its own source. You may also want to use multiple sources even for the same online store, in case you want to group and filter transactions (e.g. for different product categories).

Creating a payment source

There are a few different types of payment sources. Please see the links below for further information.

Viewing the payment source list

To view the current list of payment sources within your Viva account:

  1. log into Viva (either demo or live ) and select the relevant account

  2. Navigate to Sales in the left navigation menu:

    Sales menu
  3. For payment sources relating to online payments, navigate to Online payments > Websites/Apps, as shown below:

    Online payments menu
  4. For payment sources relating to physical stores, instead navigate to Physical payments > Stores

  5. The payment source list will be displayed in the main section of either the Websites/Apps page (step 3) or the Stores page (step 4)

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If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!