
An overview of the Ready Request message.


After receiving a txSaleRequest or a txCancelRequest message, the terminal will respond with a txReady message to indicate readiness for card presentment.


The txReady message will look as follows:


The contents of the message are described below:

Field Length (chars) Description Example Card terminal support
msgLength 4 A 4 digit number padded with leading zeros indicating message length minus 4 (including any separators). ‘0014’ Android Card TerminalsLinux Card Terminals
msgType 3 ‘810’ ‘810’ Android Card TerminalsLinux Card Terminals
msgCode 2 ‘00’ ‘00’ Android Card TerminalsLinux Card Terminals
seqTxnNum 6 A 6-digit number padded with leading zeros indicating the serial number of the transaction (or the count of transactions made so far). ‘000032’ Android Card TerminalsLinux Card Terminals

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