AP Concert Protocol

Information on support for the Association du Paiement Concert (AP Concert) ECR Integration Protocol.


Viva Android POS terminals support the Association du Paiement Concert ECR Integration Protocol. The dominant ECR integration protocol for the French market, allows easy integration with the Viva Android POS. Find out more about AP Concert.

It is possible to send ISV data to the Viva Android POS using the AP Concert protocol by using the CF field (private data) and populating the ISV_amount, ISV_clientId and ISV_clientSecret fields. The below example assumes we want to do a sale for 10€ with an ISV_amount of 1.23€:

So the test packet is as follows:


Note the reference to CF183 in the above. The length of the ISV JSON here is 183 bytes. Each time the JSON string is modified the value of the CF length needs to change accordingly

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