Get Reports request

An overview of the Get Reports request message for iOS.

Our ‘ | Terminal’ application (tap-on-phone) supports Apple Tap to Pay in the UK, the Netherlands, France & Italy.


👉 The Get Reports request is used to retrieve the batch reports of the | Terminal App.

The client app must implement a mechanism to send messages using URL schemes and to receive the result in a custom URI callback.

Get Reports request

For a typical Get Reports request, the client app must provide the following information:

Field Description Example
scheme The Viva's custom URL scheme, the host and the version vivapayclient://pay/v1
merchantKey The merchant's key.
Deprecated: you may pass any value.
appId The client app id. com.example.myapp
action Get Report getReport
command Specifies the request action: ‘summary’ to retrieve the summary for a certain batch summary
  • If a value in this parameter specified, then will be exposed that's batch’s summary.
  • If the specified batch name does not exists or is wrong then will be exposed the current active batch.
  • If no batch name specified and there isn’t an active batch, a batch "not found error" will be exposed in the reponse.
  • morningShift
  • If a value in this parameter specified, then will be exposed that's batch’s summary.
  • If the specified batch id does not exists or is wrong then will be exposed the current active batch.
  • If no batch id specified and there isn’t an active batch, a batch "not found error" will be exposed in the reponse.
  • summary
    callback The URI callback that will handle the result. interapp-callback
    createGetReportRequest(command: "summary", batchName: "morningShift", batchUUID: nil)
    func createGetReportRequest(command: String, batchName: String?, batchUUID: String?) {
        // construct getReport url
        var endGetReportActionURL = "vivapayclient://pay/v1?callback=interapp-callback&merchantKey=SG23323424EXS3&appId=com.vivawallet.InterAppDemo&action=getReport"
        endGetReportActionURL += "&command=" + command
        if let batchName = batchName, batchName.isValidName {
            endGetReportActionURL += "&batchName=" + batchName // name of batch to get the summary
        if let batchUUID = batchUUID, batchUUID.isValidName  {
            endGetReportActionURL += "&batchId=" + batchUUID // uuid of batch to get the summary
        (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.performInterAppRequest(request: endGetReportActionURL)



    Get Reports response

    The response will return the get reports along with all the batch’s values of the | Terminal App.

    The table below summarizes the contents of an approved response.

    Field Description Example
    callback The URI callback that will handle the result 'interapp-callback://result'
    action The action 'getReport'
    command Informs that the command was ‘summary' for the action ‘getReport’ 'summary'
    batchName The name of the batch 'morningShift'
    batchId The UUID of the batch 7885F4F1-59CA-42C2-81BB-6DB48AA138A6
    status The status of the batch request. success
    message A string containing information about the transaction status. Transaction summary fetched successfully
    data Json data as a string {
    "command": "summary",
    "action": "getReport",
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
    "insDateFrom": "2024-03-15T10:48:05.359 02:00",
    "personId": "efa75715-8449-4c70-903e-5fe2f2c3bc7f",
    "insDateTo": "2024-03-15T10:48:44.466 02:00",
    "stats": [{
    "amount": 7.89,
    "totalCommission": 0,
    "currencyCode": "826",
    "count": 1,
    "type": "Sale",
    "tipAmount": 0
    "amount": 7.89,
    "totalCommission": 0,
    "currencyCode": "826",
    "count": 1,
    "tipAmount": 0
    "batchName": "test",
    "message": "Transaction summary fetched successfully"


    Get Support

    If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!