Batch request
An overview of the Batch request message for iOS.
Our ‘ Terminal’ application (tap-on-phone) supports Apple Tap to Pay in the UK, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Ireland, Romania, and Sweden, Italy & Germany.
👉 The Batch request is used to either open a new batch (‘group’ of transactions) or to close an active batch in the Terminal App. This is especially useful for reporting purposes.
On iOS devices (Tap-on-Phone), a batch remains open for 48 hours before automatically being closed and a new one being started (unless the user ends it manually before this time)
The client app must implement a mechanism to send messages using URL schemes and to receive the result in a custom URI callback.
- Batch request originating from the client app to open/close (if possible) a batch.
- Batch response originating from the Terminal App to return the result of a batch request.
Batch request
For a typical Batch request, the client app must provide the following information:
Field | Description | Example |
scheme | The Viva's custom URL scheme, the host and the version. | 'vivapayclient://pay/v1' |
merchantKey | The merchant's key. For successful validation, should not be empty. Deprecated: you may pass any value. |
'SG23323424EXS3' |
appId | The client app id. | 'com.example.myapp' |
action | Batch request. | 'batch' |
command | Specifies the request action: 'open' to create a new batch, 'close' to end an active batch. | 'open' |
batchName | When opening a new batch this name will be given to the batch. If no value is provided, the batch will be named automatically. When closing a batch this parameter will attempt to close any open batch with this specific name. If no value is provided, the currently active batch will end. (Optional) |
'morningShift' |
batchId | Works only when closing a batch. This parameter will attempt to close any open batch with this specific UUID. (Optional) | '7885F4F1-59CA-42C2-81BB-6DB48AA138A6' |
callback | The URI callback that will handle the result. | 'interapp-callback' |
func createBatchRequest(command: String, batchName: String?, batchUUID: String?) {
// construct batch url
var endBatchActionURL = Constants.batchUrlString //vivapayclient://pay/v1?callback=interapp-callback&merchantKey=SG23323424EXS3&appId=com.vivawallet.InterAppDemo&action=set_printing_settings
endBatchActionURL += "&command=" + command
if let batchName = batchName, batchName.isValidName {
endBatchActionURL += "&batchName=" + batchName // name of batch to end
if let batchUUID = batchUUID, batchUUID.isValidName {
endBatchActionURL += "&batchId=" + batchUUID // uuid of batch to end
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.performInterAppRequest(request: endBatchActionURL)
Open batch:
Close batch:
Batch response
After executing a Batch request the Terminal App will respond accordingly to the type of command you sent.
The table below summarizes the contents of a response.
Field | Description | Example |
callback | The URI callback that will handle the result. | 'interapp-callback://result' |
action | The action. | 'batch' |
command | Specifies the action taken: 'open' for creating a new batch, 'close' for ending an active batch. | 'close' |
batchName | The name of the batch opened/closed. | 'morningShift' |
batchId | The UUID of the batch opened/closed. | |
status | The status of the batch request. | 'success' |
message | A string containing information about the batch status. | 'Batch closed' |
If a new batch is opened before the previously opened one is closed, the old one shall be closed and the new one will be opened.
A Batch response result for an successful batch open or close looks as follows:
Open Batch:
Close Batch:
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