POS Activation request

An overview of the POS Activation request message for Android.


👉 The POS Activation request is used to complete the activation process of the ‘viva.com | Terminal’ application, including sign-in and initial configuration.

The client app must implement a mechanism to send messages using Android intents and URI calls and to receive the result in a custom URI callback.

To use this feature, you will need to generate and use the required POS APIs Credentials

POS Activation request

Important: please make sure to use the Merchant’s credentials in the request, not the ISV Partner’s credentials

For a typical POS Activation request, the client app must provide the following information:

Field Description Example Required Card terminal support Character limit Type
scheme The Viva's custom URL scheme, the host and the version. 'vivapayclient://pay/v1' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
appId The client app ID. For successful validation, should not be empty. 'com.example.myapp' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
action Activate POS action. For successful validation, should not be empty. 'activatePos' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
callback The URI callback that will handle the result. For successful validation, should not be empty. 'mycallbackscheme://result' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
apikey The API key ('Client ID') required for the POS activation. For successful validation, this should not be empty. You can find this credential here. “qwerty123456“ 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
apiSecret The API Secret ('Client secret') required for the POS activation. For successful validation, this should not be empty. You can find this credential here. “qwerty123456“ 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
sourceID The source that the POS will be assigned to. Not required for successful validation [A payment source (physical store) that is associated with a terminal]

How to create a payment source for stores
'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
pinCode Optional parameter (4-6 digits length) for PIN code for settings lock (if provided, settings are automatically locked and PIN set to the supplied value) 123142 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android Min. length = 4
Max. length = 6
integer (int32)
skipExternalDeviceSetup Optional boolean parameter. Skip external device configuration (Mini card reader or Pocket Card terminal) and proceed with **NFC payment method** for transactions. The default value = true

Example: true
'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
activateMoto Optional boolean parameter for activating Moto payment method. The default value = false

Example: false
'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
activateQRCodes Optional boolean parameter for activating QR payment method. The default value = false

Example: false
'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
disableManualAmountEntry Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for disabling manual amount entry true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
forceCardPresentmentForRefund Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for forcing card presentment for refund true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
lockRefund Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for locking refund with pin true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
lockTransactionsList Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for locking transaction list with pin true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
lockMoto Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for locking moto with pin true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean
lockPreauth Optional boolean parameter ( default value = false) for locking preauth with pin true 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android boolean

The above information elements must create a URI call, i.e.

Intent payIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(
                        + "?appId=com.example.myapp"
                        + "&action=activatePos"
                        + "&apikey=qwerty123456"
                        + "&apiSecret=qwerty123456"
                        + "&sourceID=qwerty123456"
                        + "&pinCode=123142"
                        + "&skipExternalDeviceSetup=true"
                        + "&activateMoto=true"
                        + "&activateQRCodes=true"
                        + "&disableManualAmountEntry=true"
                        + "&forceCardPresentmentForRefund=true"
                        + "&lockRefund=true"
                        + "&lockTransactionsList=true"
                        + "&lockMoto=true"
                        + "&lockPreauth=true"
                        + "&callback=mycallbackscheme://result"));


POS Activation response

After executing a POS activation, the ‘viva.com | Terminal’ application responds with a POS activation response result to indicate if the POS activation was successful or not.

The result is received as a URI in the callback activity intent:

Uri result = getIntent().getData();

The table below summarizes the contents of an approved response.

Field Description Example Card terminal support
callback The URI callback that will handle the result. 'mycallbackscheme://result' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
status The status of the transaction. 'success' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
message A string containing information about the transaction status.

Please see a list of possible error codes.
'Transaction successful' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
action Activate POS action. 'activatePos' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
virtualId App FirebaseId '60DEC5165EBC41DEAAE693FD51B1F3FC' 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
sourceTerminalId Optional parameter - Connected Terminal Id. 16027706 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android
merchantID Optional parameter - Activated Merchant Id. `c21ac4b3-b1e1-4e7c-a65e-aedee7412321` 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android

A POS activation response result for an approved transaction looks as follows:

It is expected that POS activation will fail for various reasons. A failed POS activation response looks as follows:

A POS activation response looks as follows when is already activated with the merchant:

A POS activation response looks as follows when the user specifies an invalid source code:

A POS activation response looks as follows when the user specifies invalid credentials:

A POS activation response looks as follows when the user specifies a PIN code with alphanumeric characters:

Error codes

The following error codes may be displayed in the response to this request.


Key to card terminal product categories

To understand the icons used on the above tables, see the below table.

Product category Terminal models Icon
Android Card Terminals Android Card Terminal Ethernet, Android Card Terminal 4G, Mobile Card Terminal Plus, Mobile Card Terminal. Android Card Terminals
'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android Mini Card Reader, Pocket Card Terminal connected via Bluetooth or USB to the 'viva.com | Terminal' application for Android. Android Card Terminals
Linux Card Terminals Countertop, IM20, S900, S800, D200. Linux Card Terminals

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