Data Services API

Information about our Data Services API.


Our Data Services API provides an easy way for merchants to manage their reconciliation processes programmatically. You can use our REST API to subscribe to daily sales transaction reports. You can configure subscribed events using the endpoints detailed below.

Please note: the Data Services API requires specific access credentials.

To request access, please speak to your Viva sales representative.

API calls

The Viva Data Services API consists of the following API calls:

  1. Retrieve MT940 Data
  2. Create a subscription
  3. Update a subscription
  4. Delete a subscription
  5. List subscriptions
  6. File Request

1. Retrieve MT940 Data

This API call is used to retrieve MT940 report data for a given date.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and generation of MT940-format data.

Find out more about the Retrieve MT940 Data API call and its parameters

2. Create a subscription

This API call is used to subscribe to webhooks to get automated messages or information about specific events. A webhook subscription registers the notification URL that Viva sends notifications to and the events you want to be notified about.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and generation of a unique subscriptionId.

Please note: Webhook Subscriptions can currently only be made for the ‘SaleTransactionsFileGenerated’ event

Find out more about the Create a webhook subscription API call and its parameters

3. Update a subscription

This API call is used to update an existing webhook subscription.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and return a unique subscriptionId.

Find out more about the Update a webhook subscription API call and its parameters

4. Delete a subscription

This API call is used to delete a webhook subscription.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and return a message “Subscription deleted”.

Find out more about the Delete a webhook subscription API call and its parameters

5. List subscriptions

This API call is used to list the existing webhook subscriptions.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and generation of a list of webhook subscriptions.

Find out more about the List webhook subscriptions API call and its parameters

6. File Request

This API call is used to request the generation of a sale transactions report for a specific date.

A valid call will result in HTTP status code 200 and generation of a unique requestId. This request id will also be included in the header of the notification. You can save this value to match it with the incoming notifications.

Viva prepares your data and sends a notification to your webhook subscription URL with a POST request

Find out more about the File Request API call and its parameters

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If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!