Security & Technology

Viva utilises a number of robust technologies and practices to ensure our solutions are safe and secure.


Navigate your way through the compliance requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) and Data Security Standards (DSS), assisted by our team of PCI experts and network tools. With our encryption and tokenization services, we help you avoid possible security breaches and fines by ensuring you receive extra protection throughout the payment journey.

PCI compliance

With our PCI DSS Level 1 compliance status, we meet payment security standards and help protect customer data.

As a fully compliant PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider and a principal member and licensed acquirer of Visa and MasterCard, Viva adheres to the card schemes’ operating regulations. We are also subject to yearly audits by a third-party PCI Qualified Security Assessor, Visa, MasterCard, and the banks we partner with.


We use Tokenization to replace sensitive data with non-sensitive data.

Specifically, it is used to safeguard a card’s PAN by replacing it with a unique string of numbers that cannot be used to make transactions.

Dynamic CVV technology

Dynamic CVV has become a key weapon against fraudulent transactions.

Rather than using a static three or four-digit code on the back of the card, Dynamic CVV technology creates a new code periodically. When a customer is ready to initiate a transaction, they will receive an SMS or email with a one-time CVV. The unique code then expires after the purchase is complete or within the next few hours.

AI-based anti-fraud algorithm

An integrated AI-powered risk management system built directly into our payments platform.

Our AI-powered fraud detection technology learns from each transaction in real-time and can anticipate fraudulent attacks before they even happen, resulting in us seeing a reduction of fraud by 70 percent, while increasing conversion rates by as much as 35 percent. Our detection results are completely transparent, so you can understand exactly why a transaction was blocked or accepted.

Biometric Security

Integrating Biometrics into our payments solution adds an extra level of security.

Microsoft’s face recognition technologies provide a powerful & reliable Face Verification Service. By adding this extra layer of security, we ensure that payments are performed by the persons expected, minimizing fraud in ‘Card-Not-Present’ transactions.

EMV technology

We have Europe-wide experience with EMV technology and payments.

Retailers in the United States have been aware of EMV and its associated liability shift for a while now. With our deep expertise within EMV, we have been assisting customers in and around Europe for years with setting up EMV infrastructure and processing transactions.

Information Security

Focussing on all aspects of information security within our systems, services and data, we extend compliance requirements to offer a maximum level of safety, resilience and trust.

Our infrastructure implements multiple levels of protection by using industry-accepted mechanisms and best practices ensuring we provide:

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If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!