PSD2 Compliance

Viva is fully PSD2 compliant - all of the solutions we offer are automatically updated to fulfill all SCA requirements.

PSD2 Compliance

What are PSD2, SCA, and 3DS2?


PSD2 is a European regulation for electronic payment services and introduces security requirements for processing electronic payments. It regulates Third-Party Providers of payment services and protects consumers’ financial data. PSD2 went into effect in September of 2019.


SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) is a requirement of PSD2 and ensures the security of online payments. Transactions with SCA are performed with multi-factor authentication and increase the security of online payments. The requirement for SCA for e-commerce was enforced across most of the EEA from January 1st, 2021, and in the UK from September 15th, 2021.


3DS2 (3D Secure 2) is the new version of the 3DS (3D Secure) authentication protocol used to meet Strong Customer Authentication requirements and drive great authentication accuracy for online payments. Compared to 3DS, 3DS2 collects more data that issuers can use to make better authorization decisions for payments, reducing fraud.

Viva as an Acquirer

For merchants offering Viva payment solutions.

E-commerce (online) payments

Viva’s Smart Checkout form, plugins, and payment tools are fully PSD2-compliant, with the support of 3DS and 3DS2.2 being handled by the card issuers through the Merchant Plug-In (MPI). Viva merchants naturally benefit from SCA and 3DS2.

Card-present payments

We have added SCA as a requirement to all Viva POS terminals. There is nothing to be done on the merchant’s side as all of our POS devices have been upgraded automatically. Contactless card payments can be made without using a PIN if the purchase is within the CVM limit of the country. There is also a maximum cumulative total of payments per country that can be made without a PIN.

Viva as an Issuer

For transactions made using Viva debit cards.

E-commerce (online) transactions

SCA is required. Two-factor Authentication to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure by requiring identification by the Viva cardholder using at least two of the three elements below:

Card-present transactions

There are no significant changes regarding in-store payments.

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!