Cloud Terminal API

Viva's EFT POS solution allows for REST API connections between EFT POS (card terminal) devices and ECR systems, even across different networks and locations.


Our EFT POS (Electronic Funds Transfer - Point of Sale) solution utilises REST APIs to allow EFT POS devices and ECR systems to initiate transactions and exchange data. Compared to a traditional TCP/IP-based setup, EFT POS has the benefit of devices not needing to be in the same physical location or on the same local network. All requests and responses from the ECR to EFT POS and vice versa are handled by the REST API service.

Supported Devices

Viva’s REST API (EFT POS) functionality is supported by:

REST API functionality is not currently supported for Paydroid (PAX) devices

Process Flow

The below diagram outlines the relationship and process flow between the systems involved in an EFT POS communication:


The steps of the above process flow are explained below:

  1. For WAN connections to the REST API, where an ECR would need to discover what EFT POS devices are connected prior to initiating an operation, a service endpoint is provided which allows for the querying and retrieving of a list of EFT POS devices which belong to a merchant and which can be optionally filtered further

  2. The ECR sends a Sales Request to the EFT POS, via the REST API service

  3. The REST API service forwards the ECR request to the EFT POS device using a message delivery mechanism

  4. The EFT POS receives the relayed ECR instruction from the REST API service and carries out the requested operation

  5. Once the EFT POS operation is completed, the EFT POS relays the operation response data back to the REST API service which in turn makes it available to polling from the ECR itself

  6. During the above process, the ECR enters a polling state, whereby regular polling requests are made to the REST API service to enquire about the outcome of the original request. Each original request is identified by an ECR-generated sessionId. Once the EFT POS response gets relayed back to the REST API service, the next poll from the ECR to the REST API service will retrieve the response in full

API Documentation

Please see our Cloud Terminal API Documentation, which covers the following API calls:

Get Support

If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!